Life is positive starting with positive thinking. If our thoughts are positive we will be more energetic brave confident not easily giving up and our actions ...
In the first period of the graduation precisely on February 17 2016 the Faculty of Economics State University of Surabaya received an extraordinary gift. Vivi Pratiwi ...
Happiness has now been felt by Vina Rahmaya S.sos. This woman who just graduated from S-1 holds the cum laude title of Faculty of Social Sciences ...
Dra. Hayatun Nufus M.Pd born in Bukit Tinggi January 1 1966 was relieved. Because the mother of two children has just completed the Unesa Postgraduate program ...
Elok Sudibyo son of the Koeseran and Baeah couple born in Sidoarjo July 4 1970 is indeed very proud. The man who is familiarly called Elok ...