Happiness is being felt by Gustav Mandigo a graduate candidate from the Department of Electrical Engineering because he has been named the best graduate of FT. ...
There are no results without sacrifice. That is the principle of life of a student named Royan Mahmud Musthofa. The best graduates of FMIPA came from ...
Alhamdulillah I am fully satisfied and completely responsible! Thats what Faridatus Sholihah S. Sos. Daughter of H. Ahmad Sakhowi said. He felt that he had finished ...
Rahanayu Putri Dewani this bespectacled girl is the best graduate of the Faculty of Educational Sciences (FIP) Unesa. He graduated in 3.5 years with a GPA ...
Izhatul Laili a student from the Department of Language and Literature born in Rembang was known to be friendly and easy to communicate with. In addition ...