Elok started his education at SDN Gedang II Porong at the age of 8 years and graduated in 1984. He continued on at SMPN 1 Porong and graduated in 1987. After that continued to SMAN 1 Porong and graduated in 1990. Furthermore he followed the college entrance selection at IKIP Surabaya Department of Physics Education. In 1995 he successfully completed his undergraduate studies and continued his masters degree at the Postgraduate IKIP Surabaya. He graduated from the Masters in Science Education in 1998. In 2013 Elok had the opportunity to continue his doctoral study at the PPs Unesa Science Education Study Program. With the dissertation entitled "CBL Model for Achieving Learning Motivation Improving Understanding of Physics Concepts and Analytical Thinking Skills for Sports Science Students" was able to deliver Elegant to be an outstanding graduate with a GPA of 3.85. Elok explained that this dissertation aims to produce new learning models that meets the eligibility criteria. The learning model that has been successfully developed is the Context Based Learning Model (CBL) or abbreviated CBL Model.
CBL Model is a Physics Learning Model in a Sports Context because the learning model is specifically applied to physics lectures for Sports Science students. This learning model uses the name of a branch of sports or sports activities as a topic or theme in studying concepts and physical laws (especially about the quantities of mechanics).
"By using the CBL Model it is hoped that Sports Science students will be motivated to study physics understanding of physical concepts and laws will increase and have the skills to mechanically analyze a sports branching." Hope this man who likes jogging and traveling. The lecturer in the Department of Natural Sciences FMIPA Unesa said that research to complete this dissertation takes approximately 3 (three) years starting with preliminary studies limited trials and implementation of the CBL model.
Lecturers who get funding proposals from Dissertation Research The Doctor by the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DP2M) of the Directorate General of Higher Education admitted that there were many obstacles in resolving this dissertation. According to him the obstacle when entering the implementation phase of the CBL Model involves the Sports Science lecturer in Physics lectures. The lecturer who manages the subject is not from the field of physics. They are basically sports backgrounds. Therefore it is necessary to provide " training " by modeling and discussing aspects that need to be mastered as physics lecturers especially related to understanding concepts and physical laws. In addition the Laboratory of Sport Sciences Study Program where the implementation does not yet have the necessary equipment in implementing the CBL Model. In addition the equipment used needs to be designed and developed by him. The success in completing his dissertation according to Elok is inseparable from the role of the family. "The source of motivation in completing this doctoral study is my beloved children and wife. In the family for the purposes of this study I want to be an example for my children that studying is a human obligation throughout the life of the body. Thus I can hope that my children will also have the desire to continue their studies to the highest level of education " said the husband of Inna Nur Anisjak.
The man who was one of the 2013 National Curriculum Instructors hoped that the knowledge he had gained would be useful for his students. In addition he also hopes that the doctorate (S3) which he has successfully achieved with hard work is a stage for him to be able to achieve the highest functional position which is to become a Professor in the field of Natural Sciences. " Like a coconut to be able to produce coconut milk from coconuts old coconuts must undergo a long and painful process to get good coconut milk. Likewise with humans the harder one tries the more maximum results will be obtained. Because the final result will not deny the effort someone has done. & Quot; said Elok Sudibyo. (Khusnul / PR)
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