Tasks and Purposes
1. Rector
The rector is responsible to lead the implementation of education, research and community service, as well as foster all educators, education staff, and students relationship in university with the environment. Rector is responsible to:
a. implement and develop higher education;
b. conduct research in the framework of developing science and technology;
c. carry out community service;
d. foster educators, educational staff, and students;
e. maintain the relationships of all elements with the environment; and
f. perform administrative service activities.
2. Vice Rector for Academic Affairs
Vice rector on academic affairs is responsible to lead the implementation and development of education, research and community service policies and coordinate the duties of the head of working units in Unesa in term of education, research, and community service based on the prevailing laws and regulations in order to visualize Unesa's vision, namely excellent in education and strong in sciences.
3. Vice Rector for Financial and General Affairs
Vice rector on financial and general affairs is responsible to assist rector to implement policies and activities in general administration, finance, and human resources.
4. Vice Rector for Students and Graduates Affairs
Vice rector on students and graduates affairs is responsible to assist/represent rector to plan and develop university; to coordinate all students activities, students’ development activities; as well as to cooperate with graduates in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations.
5. Vice Rector for Planning and Cooperation
Vice rector on planning and cooperation is responsible to coordinate all the planning and cooperation activities as well as design/draw up the annual works.
6. Dean
The dean is responsible to lead the implementation of education, research, and community service, as well as foster all educators, education staff, and students relationship in faculty their with the environment.
7. Vice Dean for Academic Affairs
Vice dean on academic affairs is responsible to assist/represent dean in conducting and developing educational policies, researches, and community services to society in the Faculty according to the prevailing laws and regulations.
8. Vice Dean for Financial and General Affairs
Vice dean on financial and general affairs is responsible to assist/represent dean in conducting general activities in the Faculty in terms of general administration, finance, and human resources.
9. Vice Dean for Students and Graduates Affairs
Vice dean on students and graduates affairs is responsible to assist/represent dean in planning and developing the faculty, coordinating all students activities, as well as cooperating with the graduates in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations.