Unesa .ac.id Surabaya - Knowledge related to the development of overseas education must begin to be given to go to an international campus. One of them ...
Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya - Menjelang tes Ujian Tulis Berbasis Komputer (UTBK) yang akan digelar mulai 13 April 2019, Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Unesa) menggelar rapat koordinasi bersama beberapa ...
< / strong> Unesa.ac.id Surabaya - Thousands of participants took part in the peak activity of the Millennial Road Safety Festival (MRSF) held by the East ...
< / strong> Unesa.ac.id Surabaya - Unesa cooperates with the TNI Staff and Command School (Sesko) in terms of education training research and community service (3/19). ...
< / strong> Unesa.ac.id Surabaya - Unesa Rector Prof. Dr. Nurhasan M. Kes. Inaugurated the management of Student Organizations (Ormawa) for the 2019-2020 period (19/3). The ...