Unesa .ac.id Surabaya - Knowledge related to the development of overseas education must begin to be given to go to an international campus. One of them is the development of education in Germany. On Tuesday (19/03) the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law Unesa held a public lecture with the theme "Education in Germany". In the guest lecture invited education experts from the Faculty of Education Bielefeld University Germany Dr. Johannes Tschapka.
Dr. Johannes said that education in Germany highly appreciated a research. The results of this research can add to education in the next generation about the developments found of course it can be related to technology science and personality values. According to him education in Indonesia is different from in Germany if in the Faculty of Education Bielefeld University for education students must take the pure majors first after that take education. So that the lecture period taken by students there is approximately seven years.
In the general lecture it is expected to increase the knowledge and education of Unesa students to be able to continue their studies abroad. Besides being able to be a challenge it can also add experience and insight related to the development of education abroad.
This public lecture was also attended by the Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs at FISH Dr. Ari Wahyudi M.Sc Chair of PM-PKN Department Chair of Geography Department and Chair of FISH Sociology Department. (SH/why)
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