< / strong> Unesa.ac.id - Surabaya More or less for 3 weeks Unesa students have been serving the community framed in the Real Work Lecture (KKN) ...
Unesa.ac.id - Surabaya The 804 Student Regiment Unit (Satmenwa) of Surabaya State University is a UKM that has the aim of forming a disciplined character and ...
Unesa .ac.id Surabaya - The PM-PKN Department of the Social and Law Faculty of the Surabaya State University (FISH Unesa) held an PM-PKN Alumni Gathering and ...
Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya - Dalam rangka pengembangan serta peningkatan sumber daya manusia dalam bidang keuangan, Biro Umum dan Keuangan Universitas Negeri Surabaya bekerjasama dengan Pusdiklat AP Bogor ...
< / strong> Unesa.ac.id - Surabaya Today (8/7) Unesa holds the opening of the EduCars 2011 program. EduCars 2019 is a program offered by Unesa to ...