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Unesa.ac.id - Surabaya More or less for 3 weeks Unesa students have been serving the community framed in the Real Work Lecture (KKN) program. In this KKN activity there are two places that become the destination namely Nganjuk and Pasuruan Regencies.
Exactly today (9/7) the Rector of Unesa and his staff attended the closing of the Community Service Program in Sukorejo District Pasuruan Regency. In addition the event was also attended by representatives of KKN students from the designated area.
Based on the view of the Unesa Rector Prof. Dr. Nurhasan M. Kes. This activity has a real contribution to the development of the KKN location. This was concluded after the Chancellor saw presentations from students involved in KKN. In the presentation students also displayed products that were developed during their KKN where the products became the mainstay products they developed to help develop the village where they conducted KKN.
One of the students from Sports Education (Aji) and Informatics Engineering (Laras) who conducted KKN in Karangrejo Village conveyed his impression during the KKN program. They claimed his arrival was greeted enthusiastically by residents. In addition residents also actively assisted in their programs such as when they conducted community clean-up work and training in making fish bags.
Meanwhile Camat Sukorejo Diano Vela Fery Santoso S.Sos . MA claimed to be proud of the contribution that Unesa students gave to her village. "I would like to thank students who have seriously adapted to society. Energy ideas thoughts and creativity are contained in implementing village activities. There were no complaints from the community but the community accepted the students well. Sukorejo District is ready to become a scientific laboratory in our district. We feel that the 3 week time is very lacking because seeing the contribution of students to the community is very positive. Always wake up with pride & rdquo; he said.
The gratitude from Sukorejo Sub-District was well received by one of the KKN assistant lecturers Widya Nusantara S.Pd. M.Pd. In submitting his report Widya also expressed his gratitude to the Camat and the local community for the reception and support given to students who were carrying out KKN. "Thank you to the sub-district head who has followed the development of the KKN student program as well as giving enthusiasm and concern to the students and the products provided can be a progress in the future and not just end here. There are 17 villages. The time period in our opinion is still lacking. Unesa students have seen their progress but must finish up here & rdquo; he said.
Responding to this in addition to his gratitude the Chancellor of Unesa also provided input to the Chairperson of LPPM to consider the time of KKN implementation so that the programs implemented by students could be properly instilled in the local communities where the KKN. "The Head of LPPM can re-evaluate the time of student service learning so that the longer the student can be the best solution into the community. We are ready to contribute to the development of villages in Sukorejo District & rdquo; explained Nurhasan.
Through this KKN the Chancellor hopes that students will be able to contribute actively in the community. Being able to think creatively in developing natural resources in the community so as to have a positive impact on the development of society the aim is to provide a way for people to face the industrial era 4.0 so that they are still able to survive in this era by utilizing the natural resources they have. (why/ay)
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