8 Oktober 2020 —
Unesa.ac.id-Surabaya, The Department of Fine Arts and Design Education, State University of Surabaya (Unesa) held an online public lecture with the topic of "Be Creative or ...
cn.unesa.ac.id »»
cn.unesa.ac.id »»
8 Oktober 2020 —
Unesa.ac.id-Surabaya, Prof. Dr. H. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd as the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at Unesa invited international students to join and study at Unesa. This ...
cn.unesa.ac.id »»
cn.unesa.ac.id »»
8 Oktober 2020 —
Unesa.ac.id-Surabaya, Indonesia consists of thousands of islands that has a variety of regional languages. However, although each region has various regional languages, the national language that’s ...
cn.unesa.ac.id »»
cn.unesa.ac.id »»
7 Oktober 2020 —
Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya - Tarwi, mantan atlet sepeda nasional berhasil menyelesaikaj Tour De Java is Back Surabaya-Jakarta. Pria yang kini berusia 79 tahun itupun berhasil memecahkan rekor ...
cn.unesa.ac.id »»
cn.unesa.ac.id »»
6 Oktober 2020 —
Unesa.ac.id-Surabaya, Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Unesa) menggelar Seminar Nasional Manajemen 5 (Senima 5) dan call for papers 2020 dengan tema “Strategi Bisnis di ...
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