Unesa.ac.id Surabaya - In order to improve the quality of education especially students Unesa expanded its wings by signing an MoU with the Directorate General of ASEAN Cooperation (28/04). This MoU is related to the opening of the ASEAN Study Center for Education which will become a new program at Unesa.
The ASEAN Study Center can be an alternative in developing educational potential in ASEAN countries. For example in planning an online journal of course there needs to be studies as material for journal work. Therefore with the presence of the ASEAN Study Center researchers can increase their references with researchers in ASEAN countries.
According to Jose Antonio Morato Tavares the Director General of ASEAN Cooperation revealed that Unesa has sufficient educational competence well. As with other campuses hopefully Unesa can contribute fully in the birth of the ASEAN Study Center which will later be established at Unesa. Jose believes that the establishment of this program can strengthen ASEAN countries in the international arena both in the world of education tourism economy and other sectors.
& ldquo; I feel proud of Unesa who welcomes the program. ASEAN Study Center. I hope that the diversity of cultures in ASEAN countries can strengthen the ties of intercity between countries in the education economy tourism and other sectors & rdquo; said Jose.
Meanwhile the Vice Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation Drs. Sujarwanto M.Pd. explained that the establishment of the ASEAN Study Center at Unesa is expected to be able to attract the attention of prospective foreign students to be able to develop their educational potential at Unesa. With the existence of the PSA it can widen the connectivity of the breadth of fields so that it is suitable in developing the potential of Unesa itself.
The event was followed by the signing of an MoU between Unesa and the Directorate General of ASEAN Cooperation and was closed by exchanging souvenirs and joint photo sessions. (why)
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