Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya - Vice Rector for Student affairs and Alumni, Dr. Agus Hariyanto, M.Kes. together with the Dean, the vice dean of the Faculty of Sports Sciences, and the Unesa tennis team went to Tangerang to participate in a mini tennis tournament held by PT. State Savings Bank or BTN. The event was held in tennis hall, modern golf n country club, Tangerang on Saturday (28/11).
The tennis tournament was held in order to strengthen the relationship and cooperation between BTN banks and customers of educational institutions. During the Covid 19 pandemic, exercise is one of the ways to improve the body's immune system.
Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, FIO Unesa, Dr.Dwi Cahyo Kartiko, S.Pd., M.Kes. said the match was not a tight competition, but joyful competition with various challenges and doorprizes shared.
Furthermore, Cahyo said the essence of this activity is not to who wins but togetherness and in the pandemic covid 19, this sport can increase body immunity.
Cahyo hopes that in the future this activity will become an annual agenda and can be more widespread in various regions in Indonesia.
The game takes place in two categories: officials and non-officials with 5 parties. So there are 10 matches to go. (mufti)
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