Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya – Surabaya State University (Unesa) continues to maintain the relationship between the academics of universities. On this occasion, Unesa visited Pamekasan district as a form of Unesa's amity with the Pamekasan district government.
The event which was held on Monday (16/11) at Bale Tedjo, Niaga Pamekasan Street, attended by Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes. (Unesa Rector), Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd. (Vice Rector for Academic Affairs), Suprapto, S.Pd., M.T. (Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance) and Dr. Agus Hariyanto, M.Kes. (Sports Coaching Education Lecturer), along with all boards of directors. Unesa's visit to Pamekasan was warmly welcomed by the Regent of Pamekasan, H. Badrut Tamam S.Psi. along with the boards of district government leaders.
Unesa's visit this time was in addition to connecting the good amity and also as an exploration in Unesa's plan to open the campus in Pamekasan. During this visit, Nurhasan as the Rector of Unesa explained the various advantages of Unesa to the Pamekasan government.
"We want to be able to contribute to developing areas in Pamekasan," explained the Rector.
The Rector presented the plan for the construction of the Unesa campus as a form of study program outside the main campus which is expected to also strengthen the role of the academics in building national education.
Pamekasan district is known to have many young generations of Santri. With these considerations, the Rector of Unesa also offers various collaborations for the younger generation of Pamekasan to be able to study at Unesa through achievement scholarship admission in the field of religion such as Unesa’s New Bachelor Student Admission System of Santri, Tahfidz and MTQ.
In his speech, H. Badrut Tamam said that Pamekasan is currently prioritizing the independent economy for the community. "Pamekasan is now struggling to be competitive and be able to compete with other districts," he explained.
Unesa's visit to Pamekasan certainly gives fresh air for the future development of Pamekasan in the field of education.
The visit of the Rector of Unesa was also welcomed by Unesa Alumni Family Association Pamekasan. Around 50 of Unesa alumni attended with high enthusiasm to support Unesa in planning the opening of Unesa Campus in Pamekasan. In addition to providing support, the Unesa alumni also provide suggestions and input for the future development of the plan. The alumni are also ready to help realize the program as an effort to improve education, especially in Pamekasan.
"This is the way of absorbing aspirations from the alumni for the development of participation in supporting regional development, especially in the fields of education and technology in Madura island," added the Rector. (Hasna)
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