Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya – Responding to the policy of learning from home as a result of covid-19 and maintaining the quality of elementary schools in the 3T area, especially in East Nusa Tenggara Education and Cultural Ministry through the Directorate of Elementary Schools appointed partners of Universitas Negeri Surabaya for the Elementary Quality Chase Program through psychosocial assistance and strengthening of learning modules in East Nusa Tenggara. It pursue breakthroughs in the quality of student learning in the pandemic era by conducting psychosocial assistance and module implementation.
Head of Professional Education Development Of LP3M Educators Unesa Dr. Martadi, M.Sn as PIC of this program explained that the program is motivated by three things. First, the mandate of the Constitution of 1945 Article 31. Second, the emergence of the covid 19 pandemic has an impact on the regions, especially in 3T area for learning issues. Third, whatever the condition, children must learn because it is the mandate of the law so that the Circular letter of the Ministry of Education related to learning in the era of covid and learning from home.
Martadi who is also the Chairman of Surabaya Board of Education explained that this program has two essences, first is psychosocial assistance in children and second is strengthening the implementation of learning modules for teachers, children and parents. Thus, later 3T areas can still do the process of module-based learning.
"The module has been prepared by the Ministry. Unesa is one of 28 institutions that are trusted to partner in quality pursuit programs with targets in East Nusa Tenggara, which are in Kupang regency of 5 sub-districts and 5 schools," he explained
Before jumping into the field, Martadi explained the preparations. Among others, recruiting prospective escorts who are alumni and recruiting some of the best teachers in NTT. "They're coaching 10 people," he said.
The 10 people, said Martadi will be given training on quality culture, maintaining the spread of covid, understanding learning modules, understanding about psychosocial including community characteristics. "We are accompanied for 4 days, namely 1 day through zoom and 3 days through direct training there," he explained.
Martadi further added that Unesa's proposal was among the best which got the highest score. Therefore, Unesa was asked to present directly in front of other participants because it was considered to have an interesting model. Martadi hopes that the schools targeted by this program will improve their learning quality and that all children will be sure to learn using modules so that they are not hindered just because of covid.
"Hopefully, these teachers can accompany the learning using modules. In fact, we want the teachers to develop the module into a module that is in accordance with the characteristics of the region in NTT. Then, the module can also be distributed to other teachers in other schools," he said.
Martadi said that the biggest challenge in 3T area is geographically related. The distance between schools takes approximately 8 to 10 hours. In addition, another challenge is related to the internet network. Because, almost certainly the 3T area does not have an internet network.
"But, the beneficial side is the commitment of the head of his office. The local education department was amazing. They are very supportive of this program so that various obstacles can be overcome because the politicalwill is still good. In addition, having coordination with Kupang is also very good so that it makes it easier for us," he explained
Finally, Martadi said that in the future, we hope that not only in the model schools but will be distributed to all urban districts throughout Indonesia, then it can also be adopted in other target areas not only in 5 schools but all schools can be applied.
"Then, among the districts of the city that are now hope all can be touched because this is a good program as a form of solution for children as long as they can study at home can continue to study and stay safe and safe," he concluded. (QQ)
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