Unesa.ac.id Surabaya - Surabaya State University (Unesa) releases its citizens to perform the pilgrimage to the Holy Land. As many as 16 Unesa residents consisting of lecturers husband or wife and tendik were released by the Unesa Rector Prof. Dr. Nurhasan M.Kes in the 9th floor of Unesa Rectorate Building Surabaya Lidah Wetan Campus on Friday (12/7). Also present was Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto M.Pd Head of Academic Student Affairs Planning and Cooperation Bureau Dra. Ec. Ratih Pudjiastuti M.Sc education staff and invitees.
On that occasion the Unesa Rector congratulated on performing the pilgrimage for prospective pilgrims who are citizens of Unesa and gave blessings when performing hajj into a hajj mabrur always healthy. Prof. Nurhasan also shared his experience in undergoing the pilgrimage to better follow the path must surrender to do the worship.
" It seems that when carrying out this mandate the key word is to maintain health. Because Hajj is a physical activity so that the physical condition is maintained & quot ; said Prof. Nurhasan
On the occasion Prof. Nurhasan added to ask his prayers for the academics of Surabaya State University in the future to be better and more advanced especially in dealing with this digital era. (Lus)
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