Unesa .ac.id Surabaya - Professional certificates as facilitators of community empowerment are in great demand especially students and alumni of out-of-school education. Friday (6/20) Department of Education outside the School of the Faculty of Education Unesa carried out the Witness Scheme of Community Empowerment Scheme activities in PLS Laboratory O1 building 2nd floor of the Faculty of Education. The purpose of this activity is to be licensed by the National Professional Certification Board (BNSP).
To support the stabilization of the material provided by the committee the number of participants is only 22 consisting of eight alumni and 14 of students. < / p>
Regarding the large number of participants who want to participate in this activity the Chairperson of the TUK Community Empowerment Facilitator Widya Nusantara M.Pd. said that he was still submitting to BNSP as the professional certification regulator to provide recommendations to the Lab Department of PLS Unesa to be able to manage the Test Place Cometensi (TUK) in the Community Empowerment Facilitator Scheme.
With the operation of the TUK FPM that has been recommended by BNSP it is hoped that the laboratory of PLS Unesa can open and arrange FPM competency test schedules for PLS students and can certainly contribute to accreditation majoring in PLS FIP Unesa. (why)
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