Unesa .ac.id Surabaya - Real Work Lecture is a form of community service conducted by students to apply their knowledge in contributing positively to an area. After departing on Monday (17/06) Unesa students were scattered in a designated area to carry out KKN activities. Yesterday (18/06) the Nganjuk District Government welcomed 1433 Unesa KKN students who would later be distributed in 86 villages in Nganjuk Regency.
In his speech the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto M.Pd. expressed his gratitude for the good cooperation with the Nganjuk Regency government. Bambang added that KKN students who would later be in Nganjuk could become agents of change and be useful in village development both centers of education community empowerment economy and so on.
& ldquo; We thank the Regent and Deputy Regent and the Nganjuk Regency Government ranks for this good reception. On campus students have taught a lot of theories and hopefully with this KKN they can apply all their knowledge in developing community service & rdquo; said Bambang.
Bambang also advised all KKN students to be serious in this KKN activity because it could become their big capital for later after graduating to take part in society. As well as not forgetting also to protect the good name of individuals and institutions.
Meanwhile Nganjuk Regent Novi Rahman Hidayat S. Sos. MM. Greatly appreciated the Unesa KKN student activities. According to him students in the eyes of the community are intelligent and smart figures for that the regent hopes that Unesa KKN students can make a good contribution in the development of Human Resources (HR) and regional program development.
& ldquo; this is a good moment for all KKN students to apply science. Carry out this task well indeed the problems that arise in society are very many but I am sure with the ability of these brothers to solve these problems properly and wisely. Hopefully this time KKN will be smooth and bring more benefits to the community & rdquo; added the Regent.
For information on the implementation of KKN in Nganjuk Regency it will be held from 18 June to 8 July 2019. There are six sub-districts and 86 villages that are part of the KKN activities. These districts include Gondang Rejoso Sukomoro Jatikalen Lengkong and Patianrowo. (why)
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