Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya – BEM Faculty of Engineering Unesa presents FT FAIR 2020 which is held in a "Charity Concert." The activities were held on Thursday (10/12) consisted of a series of talk shows, music, and donations.
The theme of the Talkshow is "First Anniversary Covid-19", there were three speakers, those are Herlambang Yahya, President of BEM FKM Unair, Dimas Ruri A, President of BEM FT Unesa, and Nopek Novian, a stand up comedian.
"In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, we must adapt to health protocols, of course, and we can also do some donation activities to help the community and educational activities regarding information about Covid to the public, for example information about the Covid vaccine," said Yahya.
Yahya also added that there is some behaviors that must be applied which is 3M, washing hands with soap, wearing a mask or face shield, maintaining a minimum of 1.5 meters between each other.
"Changes in behavior, the decreasing in community's economy are disadvantages by the community. Whereas the advantage is that we have a new attitude, maintain personal health and other people, "said Dimas.
Besides talkshow, there was also a special guest star in this FT FAIR event, there were Mr. Jono & Joni and Fajar Merah. As well as a special band submission, Kresminor with Shafa Pudja who also enlivened the event. This series of events was live broadcast via streaming youtube BEM FT Unesa. (Madina)
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