Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya – Members of the Mojokerto Student Forum (Formato), Universitas Negeri Surabaya have optimized the potential then developed into education-based water tourism. The water tourism is called "Sajen Edu Adventure" which is located in Sajen Village, Pacet District, in Mojokerto. This is a product of community service that they have done and has passed funding by the Ministry of Education and Culture through the Holistic Village Development and Empowerment Program (PHP2D) in 2020. The series of activities were held from 28 October to 08 December 2020, which are divided into surveys and measurement of tourist locations, program socialization, tourism training, and grand opening tours.
"Things like this are the biggest contribution as students of the Mojokerto Student Forum to be able to do community service and have a beneficial impact which can eventually form a tourism village like this," said Rolita Amalia, Head of program implementer.
The grand opening of Sajen Edu Adventure itself was launched on Sunday, December 6, 2020 at the tourist entrance court which was attended by the Head of the Village and all village officials, village youth organizations, and orphans. The grand opening event which began with a remo dance by the community, there were several series of events including the ceremonial breaking of the jug by the Village Head as a symbol of opening a new tour, then continued with tumpengan together and exploring tours and followed by water tubbing with orphans and all residents who attended to celebrate.
In the PHP2D program which is made by Rolita and her team, there are several excellent programs including building a water tubbing tourism system, establishing tourism management, to digitizing tourism marketing through websites and social media.
"Apart from building tourism through this program, we also provide innovations for them related to digital marketing and educational management, considering that this tour has just started," said Rolita. In the future, there are developments that should be continued so that this tourist village continues to experience development and progress after the implementation of this program, and is expected to have economic benefits for the community.
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