Feelings of gratitude and joy were covering Baktiyar Mei Hermawans heart when he learned of his success in winning the best graduation from the Faculty of Engineering (FT). This Mechanical Engineering Study Program graduate student graduated on time with a cumlaude predicate. Starting from seeing the large amount of sawdust waste in Sukorejo Village that was not optimized for its use and corncakes that were rarely used the thesis-making idea emerged. From this problem the original Bojonegoro man found a solution that is making bioarang briquettes as an alternative fuel. For this reason he carries the title of the thesis "Utilization of Bioarang Briquettes from Waste Sawdust Teak Wood and Corn Janggel and Starch Flour as Alternative Fuels". Tells the process of making the thesis apparently there are some obstacles. Starting from finding a gas solenoid to regulate the temperature of the combustion to stay at a temperature of 250 degrees to the process of charcoal that is often blown by strong winds. With the help of his colleagues in the Fuel and Lubrication Laboratory and several lecturers the thesis work was completed in a period of 5 months. His GPA reached 3.51 so he was entitled to become the best FT graduate at Unesas 80th graduation tomorrow Saturday (6/21/2014). The hope of this man who was born on May 13 1992 can have a lot of benefits for everyone especially in the community of Sukorejo Village Bojonegoro so that it can add to the economy of the surrounding residents and overcome the amount of wood sawdust waste available. Baktiyar plans to continue his studies to the postgraduate level at one of the universities in Surabaya. His busy schedule is now preparing for employment tests and entrance tests. Tiyar greetings everyday advised his younger generation at the Faculty of Engineering. "Increase Performance and dont easily complain about challenges and obstacles during lectures." Learn a minimum of 10 minutes each course that has been taught by lecturers because learning with the overnight speeding system (SKS) will not be stored in our memory " said the crew cut haired student. (Andini / Password / Wahyu / Byu)