Dont be surprised if every graduation at Unesa there is a mass in front of the entrance. Including the 79th graduation this time the courtyard of ...
Unesa graduates get achievement motivation from Anis Baswedan when graduating on March 8 2014 at Bima Campus of Lidahwetan Unesa Campus. "Indonesia really needs young workers ...
In order not to get confused during the graduation procession graduates must attend the 79th Graduation Rehearsal at the Bima Campus of Lidahwetan Campus Friday March ...
Unesas 79th graduation will be held for two days 8 March 9 2014 followed by 1716 graduates. The theme promoted was "Unesa Graduates Are Ready to ...
There is still another chance for PPG SM3T wave 1 participants who have been declared as not passing. " The 24 participants will be given the ...