< / strong> Unesa.ac.id Surabaya & ndash; Starting from 2019 Unesa cooperated with USAID and Kemristekdikti to develop the Thematic Entrepreneurship Real Work Lecture (KKN) model. ...
< / strong> Unesa.ac.id Surabaya & ndash; Successfully passed the National Higher Education Entrance Entrance Test (SNMPTN) is something to be proud of. Not only from ...
Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya - Dalam upaya peningkatan kinerja pelaksanaan anggaran Tahun 2019, Universitas Negeri Surabaya melaksanakan Workshop terkait Revisi Anggaran Tahun 2019. Bertempat di ruang Auditorium lantai ...
< / strong> Unesa.ac.id Surabaya & ndash; Surabaya State University is still a favorite campus for continuing education to college. This is evidenced by the frequent ...
Unesa .ac.id Surabaya - The existence of a canteen in the campus area has become a central place for students to tighten their friendship and fill ...