Unesa .ac.id Surabaya - The work of a lecturer is really needed in this modern era one of which is by contributing to the publication of ...
Unesa .ac.id Surabaya - Surabaya State University held the 8th anniversary Anniversary of the Mandarin Language Center Unesa with the theme "I Love CI & rdquo; ...
Unesa .ac.id Surabaya - Surabaya State University held a Tracer Study and Exposition Socialization and Career Center (5/21) which will be applied within the university. This ...
Unesa.ac.id - Surabaya, Memasuki hari ke-16 Ramadan, Unesa gelar peringatan Nuzulul Quran 1440 H, (21/05). Kegiatan yang bertema “Melalui Peringatan Nuzulul Quran 1440 H Kita Rekatkan ...
Unesa.ac.id - Surabaya, Jurusan Seni Drama Tari dan Musik (Sendratasik) Unesa menyelenggarakan pementasan tugas akhir mahasiswa, D’Tik Art Production 2019. Acara yang mementaskan karya tari dan ...