Unesa.ac.id-Surabaya, One of Unesa Student Creativity Program for Entrepreneurship Teams has, again, made another product innovation. This time, the team consisting of Veronica Junior Ayme Surya, ...
Unesa.ac.id-Surabaya, Ayam merupakan komoditas hasil peternakan yang banyak dibudidayakan di Indonesia. Selain itu, ayam merupakan hasil peternakan yang berpotensi tinggi untuk diperjual belikan. Ayam juga menjadi ...
Unesa.ac.id-Surabaya, The Unesa Student Creativity Program for Entrepreneurship Team made an innovation called LOSCO. This innovation is a black solid product that is used as a ...
Unesa.ac.id-Surabaya, Sebanyak 135 peserta calon dosen Unesa mengikuti tes CBT di Lt 4 Gedung Rektorat Unesa pada Selasa, (29/9/2020). Tes CBT ini merupakan tahap akhir dari ...
Unesa.ac.id-Surabaya, The Community Service Team which consists of several lecturers of the Unesa Psychology Department produced a discovery entitled "The Application of 8-D Music to Overcome ...