Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya – International Online Workshop was organized by Indonesian Language and Literature Programn Study of Unesa. The first international activity organized by the Indonesian Language and Literature Department was held through the zoom platform on (5/12/2020). This activity was attended by 636 participants from various universities and professions, such as students, lecturers, teachers, academic staff, ASN employees, etc.
"Opportunities and Challenges of Teaching BIPA in abroad, we should understand from now on as an effort to prepare becoming a BIPA teacher," said Prima Vidya Asteria, S.Pd., M.Pd as the moderator in the event which came by three speakers from abroad, namely Elga Ahmad Prayoga activist of BiPA Universite de Geneve, Switzerland, Linda Wahyu activist of BIPA at Xi'an International Studies University, China, and Arsiya Wanaeloh activist of BIPA at the Muslim Education Development Association, Thailand.
According to Elga's explanation, currently in Switzerland there are already three institutions that teach Indonesian. This is quite good considering that Switzerland is a country that is quite far away when it comes to the existence of Indonesian. According to him, Indonesia is quite attractive for economic, demographic, and learner personal reasons.
There are more places to teach BIPA, Linda who currently lives in China explained that there are 13 institutions that provide Indonesian language teaching programs. It can be said that the Indonesian language is currently being known and even studied in various parts of the world, this will be an opportunity for BIPA teachers and prospective teachers.
"There are four opportunities for undergraduates to become part of BIPA teachers abroad, namely through student exchanges, FLTA Fullbright, Perth Language Center, and the Ministry of Education and Culture's BIPA Program," said Linda. The four program will be the first way to become BIPA teachers abroad.
"Being a BIPA teacher such us ups and downs. But everyone will like it when we love this job, ”said Arsiya in his presentation which also gave us a message that we must enjoy being a BIPA teacher. (Humas)
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